Three Lower Counties Community Services
Three Lower Counties Community Services
12137 Elm Street
Princess Anne, MD - 21853
Telephone: (410) 651-5151
The TLCCS Dental Department is located in Princess Anne, and was established to provide dental care for their entire community. Here is the address and phone number in case you need to schedule an appointment or are unaware of their location: Dental * Celeste Ziara DDS Dept. Head * Yael Ortiz DDS * Zhou Mei DMD * Stephen Wagner DMD * Patrick Holmlund DMD * Catherine Young DMD * Heather Fleming RDH * Sarah Long RDH Sandra Gumby: Dental Office Manager Linda Riggleman - Administrator
Many of our Dental Clinics are free and/or government supported. Many are sliding scale dental care for low income. Please call the dental clinics or visit the websites of the dentists to cofirm that these clinics are free or low cost to the needy. We do our best to provide a helpful low cost and free dental services. Always confirm directly with the dental clinis to confirm that our information is up to date.
We also now display low cost, affordable clinics for the needy. Yes, our website name is, but we now provide more. We are as specific as possible on the listing pages. It is the website users responsibility to contact the clinics listed to confirm whether the clinics is free, low cost, affordable, etc. Do not take it for granted that the clinic is free since it is listed on the website. We provide listings to help those with dental practices and services to help the needy.