Tulsa - Neighbor for Neighbor
Tulsa - Neighbor for Neighbor
505 East 36st Street North
Tulsa, OK - 74106
Telephone: (918) 425-5578
Provides acute and restorative services. NFN provides: emergency extractions restorative services oral surgery dentures cleanings and childrens dental An emphasis is placed on dental education.
Many of our Dental Clinics are free and/or government supported. Many are sliding scale dental care for low income. Please call the dental clinics or visit the websites of the dentists to cofirm that these clinics are free or low cost to the needy. We do our best to provide a helpful low cost and free dental services. Always confirm directly with the dental clinis to confirm that our information is up to date.
We also now display low cost, affordable clinics for the needy. Yes, our website name is FreeDental.org, but we now provide more. We are as specific as possible on the listing pages. It is the website users responsibility to contact the clinics listed to confirm whether the clinics is free, low cost, affordable, etc. Do not take it for granted that the clinic is free since it is listed on the website. We provide listings to help those with dental practices and services to help the needy.
My teeth hurt really bad I am in need of dentures but can't afford them
I am in desperate need to have a tooth pulled it is hollowed out and hurts real bad.i am on foddstamps and can't afford dental.
Yes, I am also on food stamps/ Medicaid and have several teeth broken off at the gum line that Hurt so badly and No money to my name, would someone please help, Thank U & God Bless. Rev. A Wasson